Kyokushin Kai Karate














10. kyu HVITT BELTE (oransje belte i BKKK) SYLLABUS

A)            TEKNIKKER

Kihon (Grunnleggende øvelser)


1)             Tachikata (Stillinger)

Heisoku Dachi, Musubi Dachi, Heiko Dachi, Shizen Dachi (Sotohachiji Dachi),

Sanchin Dachi, Zenkutzu Dachi


2)             Tsuki (Slag)

Seiken Oi Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan),

Seiken Gyaku Tsuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan),

Seiken Ago Uchi, Seiken Shita Tsuki, Seiken Kagi Tsuki,

Hiji Ate (Jodan, Chudan), Age Hiji Ate (Jodan, Chudan),

Mae Hiji Ate, Ushiro Hiji Ate, Oroshi Hiji Ate


3)             Uke (Blokkeringer)

Jodan Uke, Mae Gedan Barai (Seiken og Shuto)


4)             Keri (Spark)

Hiza Geri, Kin Geri, Mae Geri (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan), Mae Keage


5)             Kokyu Ho (Pusteteknikker)



Ido (Grunnleggende bevegelser)

I Zenkutsu Dachi: Bevegelser fremover (Mae Kosa) og bakover (Ushiro Kosa), snu (Mawatte) kombinert med en

teknikk (Tsuki, Keri, Uke)

Eks.: Zenkutsu Dachi + Seiken Oi Tsuki eller Gyaku Tsuki



Taikyoku Sono Ichi, Taikyoku Sono Ni



Fleksibilitet:                           Hodet berører gulvet fra sittende posisjon med spredte ben.

Armhevinger:                        15

Mageøvelser:                        40

Spensthopp:                         15

Heving til hake:                      3

Hopp (Tobi Geri): Til et mål på samme høyde som en selv.


C)            KUMITE (Kamp)

1) Yakusoku Kumite (ett skritts kamptrening, Kumite: kamp): Blokkering mot angrep.

2) Jiyu Kumite (Frikamp): i runde a 60 sek.

Kriterier: Reigi: Høflighet, etikette. Kamae: Stilling, holdning, Kiai.



Terminologi og filosofi for denne graden i henhold til krav fra KYOKUSHINKAIKAN.



A) Techniques 

Kihon (Basics)
(1) Tachikata(Stance)

Heisoko Dachi, Musubi Dachi, Heiko Dachi, Shizen Dachi(Sotohachiji), Uchihachiji Dachi, Sanchin Dachi , Kiba Dachi, Tsuruashi Dachi 

2) Tsuki (Punches / Strikes)

Seiken Chudan Tsuki, Seiken Jodan Tsuki, Seiken Ago Uchi, SeikenShita Tsuki, Seiken Kagi Tsuki, Hiji Uchi, Uraken Gammen Uchi, Uraken Hizo Uchi, Uraken Mawashi Uchi, Shuto Gammen Uchi Uchi, Shuto Sakotsu Uchi, Shuto Uchikomi, Shuto Hizo Uchi, Shuto Uchi Uchi. 

3) Uke (Blocks) 

Jodan Uke, Chudan Soto Uke, Gedan Barai, Uchi Uke Gedan Barai

4.) Keri (Kick)

Mae Keage, Uchimawashi, Sotomawashi, Hiza Geri, Kin Geri, Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri, Yoko Keage, Yoko Geri, Kansetsu Geri, Ushiro Geri

*Ido (Moving Basics)

In Zenkutsu Dachi: Moving forward and backward, Turning – combined with one technique (Tsuki, Keri, Uke) eg: Zenkutsu Datchi + Seiken Oi Tsuki or Gyaku tsuki)

* Kata
Taikyoku Sono Ichi & Ni, Sokugi Taikyoku Sono Ichi

B) Conditioning

            * Flexibility: Head reaches the floor from a seated position with legs open
            * Push-ups: 20
            * Jumping Squats: 20
            * Hand stand: 20 seconds(supported by another person)

            * Chin ups: 3
            * Jump (Tobi Geri) : to a target the level of your own height

C) Kumite

       1)      Yakusoku Kumite: Block only agains attack
              hand block against tsuki/leg block against tsuki/ hand block against keri/ leg block against keri.
       2)      Jiyu Kumite : 30 seconds
              Criterion: Reigi (Composure, attitude) / Kamae (readiness) / Ka

D.) Written Examination

* In the terminology and philosophy pertaining to his rank. Contents of which shall be provided by the IKO Honbu.   


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Sist oppdatert: 24 juli 2008 .